Potable Water System

Dunga Village, Homa Bay County, Kenya

Sponsored by: Erwin Family, Pensacola, FL

The village of Dunga is located in western Kenya near Lake Victoria. We learned of this project through a connection that we made in Kiel, Germany when we were covering for our colleagues at their International Church in July 2018. Jonathan Mbiri was a Deacon at the church. He is a Medical Doctor from Kenya and passed our information to his colleague, Dr. Norbert Rakiro regarding our water projects. We worked through the pandemic to get the project moving and ultimately teamed with Living Water Services, a Kenyan water missions group which was planted 30 years ago by a friend of ours from Houston, TX.

Dunga Primary School Classrooms

Living Water Sharing the Gospel

As we were moving toward getting the project rolling we were contacted by a potential donor, Jonathan Erwin. After hearing about the details of the project, Jonathan decided to sponsor the Dunga School water project. The water system will provide clean, abundant water to about 1,200 students, teachers and surrounding villagers

Solar Panels and Well Head

Water Tank and Kiosk

Dunga Village is the ancestral home of Dr. Norbert Rakiro and his goal was to provide clean, abundant water for those in the village. Now the school, the teachers, as well as the surrounding community have this wonderful gift from God!

Technical Details

Project date: August 2020 - February 2022

Location: Dunga Village, Homa Bay County, Kenya

Project cost: $37,144

Type of project: Potable Water System

People served: School, Church and Community of about 1,200 people

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